Its amazing the affect that we can have on each other- I went to yoga this morning- and was feeling pretty great afterwards only to come home to find out that a friend of the family hurt himself quite badly last night. He is not somebody that me or my husband know- yet we both have a giant heavy feeling of sadness hanging over our home right now. Im sure that this man had no idea that when he did this that his sadness and pain would spread clear accross the USA and dampen the hearts of those he never met. But it has.
I think about a time when people lived in close community with each other how they had the strength of the entire community to come together and support somebody in a rough time. I wish now I could somehow come up with a community to surround this man in love and let him no that that love cannot falter- its his no matter what he does. That is the kind of world I'd like to live in.
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