Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Checking in.

Many levels of transformation are taking place in my life right now.  I am elated, blissful, inspired and feeling so strong and ready for the serious work of the active summer ahead.  Right now my Goddess School had gone from a sweet extracurricular novelty to full blown inner revolution.  I've struck a vein of gold. 

My hoop dance class is a dream come true, the momentum is building as I am seeing the need for a community to gather in their hoops as a great one.  My girlfriends are experiencing a way to bond that is healthy and in celebration of the bliss and wisdom of their souls.  As we hoop we honor the magnificence of our bodies, hone the power of our spirits, we express our emotions together.  It is nothing less than magic that happens when we hoop together. 

I am also taking a bellydancing/ yoga fusion class.  Both practices are ancient and beautiful, revitalizing and its so nice to have one more night out a week where I am a woman; not a mother, not a house keeper.

I haven't been blogging- and maybe this post isn't really a "blog" post per se.  But I wanted to check in here and I don't know where to start because so much is going on.  Life is so rich at the moment.  This week I am looking forward to playing non-stop with my little Cora Snow ball beany-bo, to finishing baby knitted dress #2, dancing(a lot),  more crystal writing, Music Together class, cooking some Indian food, making laundry detergent and facial cleanser, mowing my lawn with my brand new old fashioned non motorized lawnmower, turning compost, hoop class, bellydancing, and of course Goddess School artwork.  Whew.  I'm sure I'll dig up a few more delicious soul treats while I'm at it.  My propencity for following my bliss has earned me the nickname "Micheal Scott"  from my husband (if any of you watch "The Office")  But I accept my approach, and I am definitely happiest with a full plate and with taking a big old bite that I can barely chew. 

I want to leave with an experpt from an awesome book I am reading called "Buddhism for Mothers of Small Children" by Sarah Napthali.  Now I am not Buddhist or anything.  I honor all religions, I honor Truth, and Love.  And Jesus has got my back on that one.  So....

"Each time we practice clear seeing of the present, without clinging or aversion, whenever we practice patient acceptance, gratitude or compassion, we strengthen a habit and from there we begin to recreate our character and our destiny." 

That one struck me today.  So I flow down this fast moving tide of my springtime life, witnessing with eyes wide open,  allowing with great big gratitude, and playing like its my last day on Earth. 

If you are reading this I am so very very grateful :)


  1. Honey, this makes my soul sing for you. Delight, bliss, play, work and love. . . those are what make life meaningful. Dance on, honey:) Love, Mom

  2. Sweetheart you just do a grandmother's heart good. I love you so much, and am so very happy that you are able to do what you love. That makes a happy home for your family. My thanks goes to Todd. He will reap what you sow.
    I love him too. Happy Hooping, Grandma Sue
