About 30 seconds after this picture was taken I unraveled this little future garment- a good four hours worth of work. It will be a baby summer dress, someday but at this moment it was missing a strap. See this wasn't the first time I have gotten along in the project a little ways and then balled the yarn back up. For this particular project its about the tenth. But I am learning to knit from a vague pattern and a copy of the book "Stitch and Bitch." And this is my first project more complicated than a washcloth.
The funny thing is that I almost didn't mind it!! I LOVE knitting. The act of knitting is sensational. It is soothing, rhythmic and meditative. I can pick it up for a few seconds which is often how long I have to devote to a creative act, and I can put it down just like that. It will wait for me, there is no mess to clean up or put away. I can do it in the car (while Todd's driving) on the couch, or in the bathtub! (yes last night I knit in the bathtub so Todd could put the baby to sleep. lol)
I am learning patience and mindfulness. I am developing a HUGE appreciation for just how much work goes into making clothes.
But mostly I am learning patience.
On a side note. My first hoop dance class is tonight- Wish me luck! I have been preparing this week. I think it should be a blast- even if I am the only one who shows up. Just kidding there will be at least one other person for sure. Fun either way right?!
My Father was in town this week, we had a wonderful time wining and dining, couch shopping, cruising through the redwoods, and hiking in the mountains. Lovely and blessed.
AND Goddess School has started (yesterday). I am totally in love with this woman who developed the course. and She gave birth to a dear sweet baby this week. All in all this is a BIG week for everyone I think!!
Amanda, this is so strange; I see you posted just four minutes ago and I decided to check out the blogs for the first time in a few days right this moment. I was thinking about how I wish I could be in your hoop class (but then thought, naw, I had my days with the hoop). I was wondering how your weekend was, etc. And---here you are:) Well, serendipity, Cancer ladies and similar "take a break" points in the day. . . whatever it is, made me smile. Enjoy the knitting, honey. Love, Ma